5 Best Things to Do in Guatemala

Central America is teaming with a lot of organic resources and attractions, which is why it is frequently visited by tourists from about the planet. Guatemala, a country in this region, has a lot of these mentioned organic attractions - sufficient reason for you to contemplate it as 1 of your destinations when you travel to Central America. A lot of land and water activities can be carried out in this spectacular country, and some of the greatest ones are the following:

  • Sailboat Tours - One particular of the most famous tourist attractions in Guatemala is the Las Sirenas, a 46-foot Polynesian catamaran. Tours that can go for days are normally performed on this outstanding sailboat. Well known itineraries include things like boat trips along the Rio Dulce, which passes via steep cliffs, mangroves and lagoons. And if you just want to unwind, there are also some relaxation opportunities on this renowned sailboat which has a salon, hammocks, and delicious gourmet meals. A lot of tourists take low-priced Central America flights just to have the Las Sirenas sailboat tour encounter.
  • Bird Watching - Birdwatchers may well deem Guatemala as paradise, due to the 700+ bird species that can be observed here. Most of these species of birds can be observed in well known bird watching destinations which includes highlands, cloud forests, sites along the Pacific Coast, and tropical rainforests amongst others. Central America travel deals could possibly help you arrange for a bird watching itinerary on any well-known spot in Guatemala.
  • Mountaineering - Trekking on and around Guatemala's volcanoes is becoming a famous feat amongst tourists. This is most likely due to the truth that Guatemala has several volcanoes - some of which are difficult to climb, whilst some are excellent for amateurs. One particular of the most challenging volcanoes to climb in Guatemala is the Tolimán, which has a 3158-meter twin peak summit. There are also some areas here which are popular for caving.
  • Water sports - A lot of water sport opportunities await you in this beautiful nation. Windsurfing on Rio Dulce or Lake Izabal is a awesome way to feel those exhilarating vibes. Diving on Lake Atitlan and whitewater rafting on Guatemala's rapid rivers are also becoming preferred activities amongst those who travel to Central America. Nevertheless, whatever water sport you'd want to attempt will completely make you really feel that adrenaline rush by way of your veins.
  • Eco-Cultural Tours - Historical and cultural tours can be taken on Guatemala, a country which has a pretty exciting history. Here, you can visit the ruins of Mayan civilizations, as well as knowledge the culture of modern Mayas by visiting Mayan villages. Studying about 1 of the world's greatest civilizations unquestionably will not be boring if you knowledge it 1st-hand. Latin America travel packages give tours like this to make your expertise actually unforgettable.

You can do practically something that tickles your fancy in Guatemala. Ranging from adventure-like activities to cultural tours, you will surely locate a thing worthwhile to do in Guatemala throughout your Latin America travel. Whatever you decide on to do, a trip to Guatemala will surely leave a permanent mark on your memory.


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